Good News B
The remedy has been provided, as a free gift, through the person of Jesus Christ (Romans 6.23). The Bible says that God loved us so much that He sent Jesus, His only Son, to die in our place [to pay our penalty] so that whoever would believe in Him would receive eternal life (John 3.16; 1 John 4.10).  In other words, we need not be separated from Him forever!
The Bible says that Jesus is the ONLY solution for our problem (John 14.6). The Bible says that this remedy is applied through faith, totally apart from any personal efforts and good works (Ephesians 2.8,9). There is no other remedy for our problem apart from this free gift of God.
Do you agree, in this age of information overload, that this information about the universal problem of mankind and its only remedy is certainly relevant to you? If so, then there is an additional bit of information that is essential for you to know: It is not enough to merely know about your problem and the remedy.  It is not enough to know about your sin and about Jesus and His death on the cross to pay the penalty for sin. You must receive this free gift of salvation by turning from any confidence you have placed in anything or anyone, for attaining forgiveness and eternal life, and trusting in Christ alone (John 1.12). All of us have the problem of sin. Jesus Christ offers the only remedy, secured through His death on the cross. Each of us must trust Him.
What will YOU do with this information?
·      You can accept God’s gift of salvation by trusting in Christ (1 John 5.11-13).

·      You can reject God’s gift of salvation by choosing to trust some other means of your own devising, thereby forfeiting that which is offered to you through the ONLY way (John 14.6).

·      You can put off the decision until a more convenient time, running the risk that none of us have the guarantee of more time (James 4.13,14). Death could come for any of us today and then it would be eternally too late.  
Is there any reason why you should not accept God’s gift by trusting Christ today?


If you have made the decision to trust Christ today, we would very much like to have the opportunity to provide you with some more free “information” which will be of assistance to you in growing in your understanding of God’s Word and how it relates to the rest of life. Please click the following link to request that information and we will be pleased to provide it:  


If you still have questions about what you have read, perhaps we can help answer them. Please let us know by clicking the following link: