Strategic Statements & Core Values
Some of the most important questions that any local church can ask itself are: Who are we and where are we going? In other words, what are our objectives and what do we value as a local body of believers? These questions are exceedingly important because they determine a church’s direction and dedication or lack of the same. Therefore the leadership of Leon Bible Church has identified and highlighted three strategic statements of direction and seven core values that drive everything our local body does and aspires toward.
Strategic Mission Statement
Our mission is to glorify God by advancing biblically authentic, dynamic, compassionate Christianity to all people groups.
Strategic Vision Statement
Our vision is to enhance the strength of the Church by equipping believers for, and encouraging believers toward, faithful service, godly homes, and Great Commission objectives.
Strategic Ambition Statement
We aspire to become (spiritually) healthy believers who are informed by the Scriptures, walking in the Spirit, empowered by grace, yielded to Christ, and exalting God.
Core Values
A church’s core values may be selfish, sinful and harmful to the church’s continued existence, or they can be biblical, positive and pro-active. Core values influence a church’s decision making, problem solving, risk-taking, task setting, team building, and the allocation of time, personal finances, and resources.
Biblical Doctrine - The Bible is inspired by God and is the divinely authoritative Word of God. Scripture alone is the inerrant rule of the life of Leon Bible Church and is our only authority. The Bible is both timeless and timely, relevant to the needs of all people at all times. Thus, in every facet of our ministry, we teach and apply the Bible's eternal truths rather than human ideas. We are committed to preaching "Jesus Christ and Him crucified" to the lost and equipping believers through the preaching and teaching of God's Word to know the Triune God and to follow Christ in every sphere of life. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 4:1-4)
Biblical Leadership – Leon Bible Church is led by biblically qualified Elders and Deacons. The New Testament makes it clear that Elders were appointed to lead and shepherd local churches. These men were to lead well, by example, and to meet the rigorous qualities and character of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Deacons carry out the various tasks allotted to them by the Elders and also provide leadership in various areas of service in order to free up the Elders to concentrate on their responsibilities. We look to our Senior Pastor to "cast" our vision, to supervise our Staff, and to seek to give godly leadership to the Staff, Elders, Deacons and Church Officers. We are further committed to identifying, training, equipping and developing leaders at all levels including Elders, Deacons, Church Officers, Sunday School teachers, etc. (1 Peter 5:2-3)
Biblical Worship - We strive to have authentic biblical worship that glorifies God and exalts Jesus Christ. We do this by expressing our love and devotion to God in spirit and truth through our praise and through the proclamation of the Word of God. In our times of corporate worship we seek to have meaningful and understandable congregational participation (engaging personally in prayer, singing, hearing, and giving) and to have people of all ages worship together. Our corporate worship is designed to encourage people to live their lives as an act of worship to God. (John 4:23-24; Colossians 3:15-16)
Biblical Unity - We are committed to promoting and preserving the unity, harmony and spiritual growth of the local church that meets at Leon Bible Church. We seek to display God’s love and care to each person who comes. We desire that each person have a sense of belonging in our family. We firmly believe that all believers should be part of a local fellowship, so we encourage believers to take the important step of public identification with this body of believers in membership. (Romans 12:9-10)
Biblical Outreach - God desires us to reach as many people as possible with the Gospel of the grace of God. Therefore, we take seriously the great commission to evangelize and disciple the lost both here in Decatur County, Iowa and elsewhere around the world. We seek to be and make disciples who not only proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ but also who display Him. We pursue various methods of outreach to the "unchurched," without compromising in any way our commitment to biblical truth and our integrity. Leon Bible Church is committed to being a church with a "global vision" seeking to identify, send, pray for, help, encourage, train, support, and generally shepherd those who are called by God for either short-term or long-term missions. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Biblical Family - We regard biblical marriage (one man and one woman) as a holy calling realizing that sexual purity is God’s will for all His people. We provide support for married and single people in their home life, affirming God’s approval of either. We are committed to encouraging, helping, and equipping all parents to bring up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Also we are committed to providing excellent Christian Education for all children and teens in order that they may trust in Christ and grow into healthy, functioning Christians. Furthermore, we will seek to minister to widows and widowers and to divorced and separated people at their point of need. (Psalm 127:1)
Biblical Excellence – God has ordained the Church as the organizational instrument through which He fulfills His plan and glorifies His name. We therefore desire to do the very best we can, for His glory, in all areas of life, ministry, evangelism, discipleship, teaching, preaching, study, prayer, worship, the development of personal spiritual giftedness, and missions. (Ephesians 3:20-21; 4:12-16)